Discover 6 new Revival colours, beautiful historical vibrant and grey tones from the past, now safer to use and more permanent over time.
With 109 colours, our Professional Watercolour range offers bright, vibrant colours and unrivalled performance. Water colour, more than any other medium, reflects the unique characteristics of the pigments used and our Professional Watercolours use only the finest pigments, and are known for their brilliance, permanence and strength of colour. Pigments With 80 single pigment colours in the range, we offer the widest range of modern and traditional pigments for clean colour mixing. Unrivalled Transparency The transparency of our Professional Watercolour is achieved by our unique process of pigment dispersion during manufacture. The natural characteristics of each pigment highlights the paint’s transparency level. In watercolour painting, thin washes are applied allowing the white of the paper to reflect through the wash. Permanence 106 out of 109 colours in our Professional Watercolour range are classed as "permanent for artists' use”, rated AA or A for archival permanence to ensure that these colours used today will appear the same for generations to come.
Includes 6 tubes of 5ml Professional Watercolour: Field's Orange, Cinnabar Green, Tyrian Purple, Ultramarine Ash, Mineral Grey and Ostwald Grey